Wednesday, February 28, 2007

tagged...ape ke bondo tuuu?????

first of all....missyanny...y me?? haaa...i noe!
sbb i dah lama tak update kan...hehehhe ( intro baekkk nyer)

actually, i had sum trouble with my kepala otak so i cant for a while update my blog (ahaha..mantap btul english aku).
plus, ive been away from home. cuti cuti japan! (mantain2 in english).

nuff of my excuses. maybe, i wuz just lazy. ;p

(back to bizness)
Ive been tagged by missyanny. this 'tagging game' which ive neva heard of nor have i eva done sounds like fun!! bravo to the creator!!

RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

owkay. i can write more than 6 cos i think im soooooooo freaking weird!!! but i better not!!! ( cukup la sampai sini kot english...penat aku dok pikir ayat bukak dictionary...hahaha)

1. aku xsuke shopping...makan suke aa..kalo shopping pon gi tgk2 kasut, baju, jeans..per lagi tgk brg2 komp..brg letrik..mp3 ke..ipod ke..console game ker..normal la laki kan...
2. aku nak kembali tough+kurus( dulu2 tu...) malas nk exercise...xpe la bulan depan bleh beli bende yg vibrate2 letak kt perut tu..muahahaha...weird la tu kan...
3. org sblm ni yg aku usha..tulis tagged nyer posting ni dlm aku tulis dlm bm....weird gak kan...
4. sumer 12 subjek yg aku amik sem ni..sumer lulus...ahaha..biasenye 2-3paper gak tak lepas..haha..( kamon2...lagi 2 je bende weird...pikir)...
5. sumer org ckp aku lebeh ensem dr beckham....mau pun brad pitt...weird kan??
6. aku mampu menulis keenam-enam ke'weird'an aku ni...muahahaha...mampukah korang?

i'm tagging....bojol,indra,ifan,jas,sinyu,afdlinshauki(artis woooo)...muahahaha...
ok homework da siap...wa mau tido..
p/s: power gak english aku...


Adriani said...


mana bleh tiru2 org!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


couple matching gler korang nie...

awwww~ shweeeeeettttt!!


Anonymous said...

I want not approve on it. I assume polite post. Particularly the appellation attracted me to read the intact story.